Category Archives: Daemons of Chaos

Painting Workshop with Jarhead

Painting… you can’t spell it without pain“.
This weekend, our Gaming Club in Vienna saw a guest from Augsburg, Bavaria, who taught us some tricks and shared his painting skills during a painting workshop. Roman aka Jarhead is a bavarian artist who does painting workshops for beginners and advanced painters.
During this workshop, every new participant had to paint a Daemonette from Games Workshop – the reason why everybody has to paint the same model are two-folded: first, the model contains all important parts of a miniature like flesh, leather, metal and so on. The second reason for using the same model is that the uniformity makes it easier to compare ones own results and progress with the fellow painters. Roman didn’t want us to create a competitive atmosphere, but more showing us that painting isn’t just a mere necessity for being able to play with painted miniatures, but can also make fun if not taken too serious.
The workshop started with every participant creating his own base for the Daemonette. For helping us, Roman brought a huge amount of grass, wood, plastic kits and stones so that everybody could be creative. I decided to go for a Temple base, long lost and forgotten, with nature taking back its place.
We also got a little set of plastic animals containing owls, hedgehogs and even fishes! I got a little snake and took a rabbit for adding a little hunting scene.
While we were painting our Daemonettes, a little group of veterans who already had visited a workshop before could paint their own projects. We even had a guest from England, already a pro painter.
The painting sessions were interrupted by theoretical painting lessons from Roman. The topics he mentioned were the importance of light, shadow, glazes, warmth and much more. We were ordered to paint with a wet palette, a tool which ensured that our colours wouldn’t dry out during the weekend. Really cool stuff I will add to my painting tools.
I also really enjoyed painting together with over two dozen fellow painters, each one struggling with his own painting project. At the evening of the second day, I thought that my Daemonette would be ruined and spoiled for being way too dark at the lower parts. But Roman had warned us before that we would be a little bit desperate at the second evening and that we would see great improvements at the third day when we would start to highlight our Girls. And indeed, she became much better at the next morning.
I can only encourage you to visit Romans Blog (and maybe visit one of his Workshops too). You won’t regret it.
Finally, some photos from the Workshop for you:
And, at last, the base and miniature of my painted Daemonette. Hope you enjoy her.

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Filed under Daemons of Chaos, Modeling, Painting